Etiqueta: short movie

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«ALIENS NIGHT» – Sci-Fi Short Movie

Creado por hace 7 años

1.49K Vistas0 Comentarios 5.2 sobre 10

"ALIENS NIGHT" is a Sci-fi Short Film, with CGI special effects, directed by Andrea Ricca (SPIDER DANGER). Official website:

«SPACE MONSTER» – Sci-Fi Short Movie

Creado por hace 7 años

813 Vistas0 Comentarios 4.6 sobre 10

"SPACE MONSTER" is a Sci-fi Short Film, with CGI special effects, directed by Andrea Ricca (SPIDER DANGER, ALIENS NIGHT). Official website: "SPACE MONSTER" is a science fiction short movie...

«THE OUIJA BOARD SECRET» – Horror Short Movie

Creado por hace 7 años

748 Vistas0 Comentarios 3.2 sobre 10

THE OUIJA BOARD SECRET is a two minutes horror short movie about a man attempting to make contact with the “other side” before an awful truth is revealed and changes everything. Reviewed by SCREAM HORROR MAGAZINE: s...

Short Movie

Creado por hace 8 años

1.13K Vistas0 Comentarios 7.4 sobre 10

Fran Caballero es un niño rata, cuyo objetivo es ir a grabar un video en una casa encantada con su compañero Manu.